April 7, 2019
By Julie Kirk
On April 7th, a slate blue, gray, and gorgeously multi-hued green, but rather wet Lord’s Day, the youth of New Hope took charge of the morning worship service. They handled it all ably and well from beginning to end and everything in between.
A short video in which several of the teens shared their thoughts about their Christian walk elicited both smiles and tears from those who watched.
The teen praise band and singers made good use of their talents in leading the congregation in songs of worship and in providing the special music as well. Their preparation and hard work were evident, and the Holy Spirit made His presence felt.
The welcome and announcements were given by younger and, dare I say, sweeter voices than those to which New Hope folks are routinely accustomed. An opportunity for the congregation to send a group “Happy Birthday” greeting via live video to Pastor Tony Pierce, who is traveling in Israel and who apparently aged a year while there, was thoughtfully provided.
Our youth pastor, Justin Hart, shared a timely and urgent message outlining the vital importance of having a relationship with Jesus to guide us, kids and adults alike, through the chaos and confusion that the world throws at us every day.
A group of young men took on the job of both asking a blessing upon and gathering our tithes and offerings. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who observed that these youngsters were noticeably better-looking than those old guys who usually pass the plates around.
I think all those attending would agree that New Hope has good reason to be proud of and thankful for our young folks and their desire to serve God and make a positive impact as they navigate their growing-up years.