
What’s Next?

The most common question we hear from newcomers is, “How can I get involved?” If you’ve recently started coming to NHBC we want you to know how glad we are that you’re here.  It is our desire to lead you to a living relationship with Jesus Christ. The best place to begin getting involved is by attending the New Members Class. Following the New Members Class the next step is to get involved in a Bible class that seems like a good fit. Our current classes are listed below.

Teens – 10AM Sunday, Teen Loft, Joe Hoing

Adults – 10AM Sunday, Room 110, Greg Kazen

Overcomers – 10AM Sunday, Room 130, Scott Frank

Ladies – 10AM Sunday,  Rachel Pierce

Men – 10AM Sunday, 2nd Floor, Brian Gaddis

Adults – 10AM Sunday, 2nd Floor – Greg Kazen

Senior Adults – 10AM Sunday, Room 122, Karl Jones