New Year’s Eve


December 20, 2019

Are you looking for a safe place and wholesome activities for the whole family this New Year’s Eve?  Bring your sandwiches, snacks, drinks, and table games for a Family Game Night in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 7:00 p.m. We will also open up the gym.  Bring your own basketball.

New Year’s Day


December 19, 2019

We welcome everyone to a special New Year’s Day service in our Fellowship Hall on January 1, at 7:00 p.m. for Pie & Coffee.  Bring your favorite pie or cake and we will provide the coffee and hot chocolate.  Start of the new year fellowship and your New Hope family.  See you there!

Christmas Eve


December 18, 2019

Our annual Candelight Service is always a heartfelt time of sharing and reflection on the blessings and greatness of God.  This year our service will be 7:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve in the main auditorium.  All our church family is welcome.

Cake Auction


December 7, 2019

Weeks prior to the event, anticipation began to rise with the announcement of the 2nd Annual NHBC Chili Cookoff, Cake Auction, and Cornhole Tournament. Announcements were to include the fact that one particular cake auctioned for $260 last year. This served to heighten the expectancy.

For a mere $2, one received a ticket for casting a vote for the chili which dazzled the pallet.

Nine Chili Cookoff contestants had arrived early to prepare for the varying taste buds of the many who had participated in last year’s event, along with those of us who were first timers. Walking along the row of tantalizing offerings, one could see nine different approaches to chili recipes. The rules of engagement were proffered. Taste tests began. Voting tickets were deposited into cups set before each chili. The top vote getting chilis were very close in their respective counts.

And the “Winner takes all” 2nd Annual NHBC Chili Cook-Off champion: Stacy Main. Congratulations! And you may well ask, “What exactly was the prize?” A pot, cooker stand, utensils, spices, and cornbread mix. Prepare for next year, future contestants!

Round two of the night, the much anticipated Cake Auction, was set up. Calling the event was Brother Scott, and managing was Tabitha. After signing up for bidding, and obtaining the bidding paddle, the game was up and running. Bidding for each cake began at $50. Yep, you read that correctly, $50.

The Great Franco masterfully led, with very little pressure applied to bidders, (LOL), to up the ante on each cake.

A red velvet cheesecake (top bid for last year) went for $160, followed later by another red velvet cheesecake for $150, followed by a Boston cream pie for $140, and the one I simply call “Mississippi Mud” went for $130. Eighteen cakes were entered. And the bidding hilarity that took place created laughter that will long be remembered. As for all those cakes, many were set out for any to taste. And taste we did!

The final event of the night – the Cornhole Tournament.

Heat 1 – Hayden & Joe vs. Mike & Travis
Heat 2 – Justin & Jackson vs. Karl & Stanley
Heat 3 (drawing the bye) Brother Tony & Ed

Winners of the 1st Round: Hayden & Joe, and Justin & Jackson
Justin & Jackson played Brother Tony & Ed while Hayden & Joe sat out a round

Brother Tony & Ed advance to play Hayden & Joe.
Brother Tony & Ed advance to the Championship round.

From the “losers” bracket – Mike & Travis played their way back to the finals.

The finals were truly a great game to watch. While it appeared that Brother Tony & Ed were going to be wiped out, especially when the score was 11-3, they toughed it out and fought back. The final pitches were up to Ed & Travis. 21-20, 20-20, it went. Finally, Brother Ed, who had scored four bags in the hole earlier, stayed off the incredible tosses of Travis. Winners: Brother Tony & Brother Ed.

And what was this all about? Fellowship. Church family. Support of our youth ministry. I would highly recommend that everyone plan on attending next year. You will enjoy every moment, and you will be supporting our youth ministry as they grow in grace and in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I’ll see you next year at the 3rd annual NHBC Annual Chili cook-off, Cake Auction, and Cornhole Tournament. And who knows, you may be one of the winners.

by Mikell Didlake